Sign of the times … and a fundraising update

Our lawn signs and bumper stickers have arrived and are starting to get posted! This one was posted on Florence Road by a supporter.

We have just four signs remaining but tons of bumper stickers. To get some, fill out our form and we’ll provide the details! If we can raise enough money, we’ll order more lawn signs and let you know when they are in.

A fundraising update: we’ve raised $2615 as of this posting. Our stretch goal is $3200, so if you haven’t contributed or can contribute more, see our donations page. The big expense will be sending a postcard to all Northampton households so that’s now our first priority. We’re close to that goal, so please help us reach it!

Update: all lawn signs are spoken for. We may be buying more if we have money left over after mailing all residents. So if you ask for a lawn sign request, it will go into a queue. There are still plenty of stickers available.

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